Monthly Archives: September 2015

2 09, 2015



  Studies have estimated that 3%-6% of the population have a fear of spiders. If those figures are correct you are not alone if you have arachnophobia. At least another 65,000 people in San Antonio feel the same panic attacks you do when they see a spider. Spiders seem to be everywhere especially during the [...]

2 09, 2015

What Color is Water?


Well, hopefully, the water in your swimming pool is clear and blue! Though water may look clear in a glass, pure water is actually light blue and owes it’s blueness to the selective absorption and scattering of the light spectrum. This selective absorption in the red part of its visible spectrum and vibrational transitions are what give water [...]

What Color is Water?2022-06-30T06:07:46+00:00
2 09, 2015

New Name. Same Great Service!


We are excited to announce that Aqua Chlor is changing it’s name to Simpl. In an effort to communicate clearly to our customers, and with the addition of pest control services, we have decided to change our name to incorporate who we are. Simpl - Pool and Pest is still family owned and operated, and [...]

New Name. Same Great Service!2022-06-30T06:07:46+00:00
1 09, 2015

Pool Tips: Adding Water to my Pool


Pool Tips: Q: I’m going on vacation and need to add water to my pool while we are gone. Any recommendations? A: Yes, place the garden hose hanging over the edge of the pool. Leave the water on a slow trickle, faster than a drip but slower than a regular stream, just enough to make [...]

Pool Tips: Adding Water to my Pool2022-06-30T06:07:46+00:00
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