Monthly Archives: April 2016

11 04, 2016

It’s just a spider… you take care of it.


Texas has two venomous species of spiders, the black widow and the brown recluse. Both of these species of spiders can be found indoors and outdoors through out the State. Regular pest control treatments will prevent drastic measure when it comes to getting rid of either of these spiders. Contact us and we can help. [...]

It’s just a spider… you take care of it.2022-06-30T06:07:30+00:00
7 04, 2016

Are you really alone in the shower?


Most insects get the moisture they need from the food they eat, or the humidity in the air. In many cases pest will dehydrate and die if they do not stay near water. If you find an insect in your home or work you bet they have access to water. Water attracts all types of bugs [...]

Are you really alone in the shower?2022-06-30T06:07:31+00:00
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